Machine for stringing

oriental tobacco

Machine for stringing oriental tobacco

    DESCRIPTION: Using them, we improve the quality of leaves of tobacco becouse the arrange of their was under the best conditions, it allows easier manipulation with the tobacco and significantly reduced costs incurred in removing tobacco from the string . We save time because we carry string tobacco from fields. So avoid any deterioration which occurs due to tobacco in the crowd standing before enumeration. It is a mobile machine that can be easily transported and used in the field during the harvest of tobacco. Pleated leaves of tobacco, placed in compartments of plastic case of machine for stringing tobacco . After that, using the chain mechanism and handle, they pull pins through the tobacco leaf with the appropriate thread. Thus, linked lists, are transported for further processing. The advantage of using these machines is that it reduces the possibility of unnecessary damage tobacco leaves during the harvest. Also, the manipulation of the tobacco skim is much easier, and the process of harvesting and transport is much faster. The machine itself is due to its simple and reliable designs for easy transport, does not require a commitment of energy and it recuire only one worker. Easy to maintain and very reliable in operation. It is produced in three versions, with a length of plastic case optionally of 990, 1320 or 1650 mm.